Twitter Patient Information Patient First Name * Patient's Preferred Pronoun or nickname Patient Last Name * Date of Birth * Age * Gender * Name of Person Completing Form * Relationship to Patient * Primary Language Spoken * Does patient live with both parents? How did you hear about Therapy SPOT? Scheduling Availability (Day/Time)- Please note that some days/times may have a waitlist * Which location do you prefer? * Farmington Hills Troy No Preference Contact Information Mailing Address * City * State * Zip Code * Home Phone # Cell Phone # Work Phone # Best Time/s to Call Best Time/s to Call Best Time/s to Call Preferred Method of Communication Home Cell Work Cell phone carrier (for text reminders) * Therapy SPOT location you will be visiting * Farmington Hills Troy Email Address Emergency Contact (name and relationship if applicable) Phone # Please list additional person(s) who will be involved with child's therapy. Name, Relationship and Phone # Insurance Name of Person Insured Relationship to Patient Birthdate SS# Occupation Employer Employer Address/Phone # Primary Insurance Secondary Insurance Group Number Group Number Contract # Contract # Health and Medical History Please list any known allergies Please list any known or suspected diagnoses or medical precautions Primary concern/reason for today's visit * Please list and medications/vitamin and quantity Is your child currently on a special diet or have any food restrictions? Yes No Tests/Procedures/Surgeries Test/Procedure Reason Date Results Child was delivered: Vaginally C-Section unknown/NA Length of Pregnancy (weeks) Days in Hospital Birth Weight Delivery Complications: Complications following birth: Name of Referring Physician Phone # Other Physicians and Specialists (i.e. pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist) Type Name Reason Past/Current Therapy Sessions Type Type Type Type Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency Location Location Location Location Dates Dates Dates Dates Current? Current? Current? Current? School Name of School Grade Does Child have and IEP? Does Child receive any accommodations to be successful in school? Please list/explain any concerns or difficulties child demonstrates in the school environment: Development Speech/feeding milestone Names familiar objects Uses 2 word combination Uses complete sentences Uses a bottle Uses a pacifier Speech/feeding milestone Eats baby food Eats junior food Eats table food Uses cup, sippy cup Uses straw Motor milestone Holds head up alone Grabs toys Rolls over Sits alone Motor milestone Creeps/crawls alone Pulls self to standing Walks unaided How does child get around the house? Does child easily lose balance or fall? Please list child's favorite toys and/or play activities What were child's first words? At what age? Speech and Feeding Current speech concerns How does your child communicate? (check all that apply) Body language/facial expressions Single words Sentences longer than 4 words Non-verbal Eye gaze Sign Language Gesturing/pointing Sounds (vowels, grunts) Does your child use an Augmented Communication Device? Does your child: Repeat sounds, words, or phrases over and over? Understand what you are saying? Retrieve or point to common objects upon request? Follow simple directions ('shut the door' or 'get your shoes')? Respond correctly to yes/no questions? Respond correctly to who/what/when/why questions? Have trouble describing events or thoughts? How much of your child's speech do you understand? 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% How much to unfamiliar listeners understand? 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Please indicate the amount of assistance your child needs with the following tasks: Puts on shirt/pants: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Puts on socks/shoes: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Unbuttons, unsnaps, unzips: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Brushes teeth: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Toileting: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Zips jacket: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Ties shoes: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Wipes after toileting: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Bathing, washing hair: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Cuts with knife and fork: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Uses utensils during meals: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Removes clothing: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% N/A Please note any additional concerns regarding child's ability to be independent in his or her daily routine: Goals for Therapy Please list at least 3 goals per discipline that you hope to achieve with the help of therapy: 1. * 2. 3. Additional Concerns Additional forms are recommended based on the type of evaluation you are seeking. These forms listed below can also be completed online on our website. If you have any questions, please call our office at 248-893-6192. Please check all that apply. I have concerns about my child's sensory processing abilities (Please complete "Sensory History Questionnaire") I have concerns about my child's eating/feeding abilities (Please complete "Food & Mealtime Assessment") I have concerns regarding my child's behavior (Please complete "Behavior & Regulation checklist") None of the above apply to my child Once this form has been submitted and our office has received the prescription from the child's doctor, we will verify insurance benefits and contact you within 1-2 business days. Incomplete intake forms may result in processing delays. Yor doctor and fax the prescription directly to our office at 248-457-5490. Please check your status below. I have already sent or requested that my doctor send a prescription to the Therapy SPOT I plan to submit a prescription in the next 7-10 days I do not have health insurance (prescription not needed) Would you like to discuss your concerns regarding your child via a phone interview? If you select yes, our staff will contact you using your contact preferences indicated at the start of this form, prior to your child's evaluation, you may also be contacted. Yes, please contact me to discuss my concerns prior to my child's evaluation No, I prefer to not complete a phone interview unless the evaluating therapist finds it necessary The information provided in the form helps our therapists tailor the evaluation to meets the needs of your child, so thorough responses are appreciated. Any additional concerns or comments, please note them below: additional